Tuesday, February 26, 2008


So coming to the realization that I might not pass my SOC 410 I am mentally preparing for moving back home. It’s been over a year since being under my parent’s roof, and they will have some control over me again. I’m not exactly ready for it because I have realized that living away from them made our relationship stronger, but even when I go to visit for a weekend enough is enough. So then I head back to little Newark, my peaceful place. As much as I complain about being stuck in this shanty town it has grown on me. When I move back I have to find homes for all of my pets that I have, get a” real job” not the cafeteria, and get my license back. Because if I have to deal with my family for too long I’ll be so crazy the Marines won’t even want me.

Good news is that if I move back home nothing will be in my way of being a Marine, because if I don’t have the stress of school on shoulders I will be do anything necessary. Also the “real job” I will obtain will be a union commercial insulating job that starts at $11 an hour. My parents have been pushing this job on me since I said that I’m going to join. But even now I’m trying my hardest to pull this off and keep my pets and my sanity.

Monday, February 25, 2008

the guest blogs

I found in Chase Hardwick’s post the guest writer was more of a joking funny guy compared to Doc Hardwick’s more informal type of posts. He did well by staying with the theme of Doc Hardwick and found a study that showed that in “moderation” (this is a different meaning to everyone) alcohol is beneficial to ones health. But the picture was the main tip off that gave away the fact that it wasn’t Doc speaking in the post. Because if Doc would have done the post the picture would have been something like a rotten liver or a cat scan of an alcoholic’s brain something that wasn’t a joke about drinking. Other than the joking and the picture that the guest decided to pick he (I figured out who it was because of these things) did very well by sticking to Doc’s format of doing things.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Before November

So while I was talking to the councilor on campus for my alcohol abuse problem, that is court ordered if you’re wondering. I was told two things one being that I have to raise my GPA to a 2.2 instead of the 2.0 that I previously thought. That took the wind out of my sails just a little bit. So now I have to get a high B in English and a high D in Sociology. Sociology is the problem because at this point I need; a 90% on a research paper and a 100% on the rest of my available points. The second thing I was told was that I should join as soon as possible because in November if a Democratic wins the election it will become harder to enlist because the war will end, and the men will not be needed. This information was told to my councilor by a Colonel in the Army. So I now have a deadline which works for me because I’m a procrastinator and will wait forever to do something. That something being actually following though with talking to my lawyer ($180 an hour), setting up how I’m going to get off probation, and paying a $7200 balance on my court fees.

If anyone else thinks they have it bad I honestly would love to hear from someone that is just a touch more miserable than I am. It might make me feel better. lol

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have no idea what to write about. I'm so stressed out about my class (SOC 410). It’s killing me. If I fail my financial aid will drop me, and I can't drop it because I have only taken 10 credit hours this quarter and if I stoop below 6 I lose the aid. So... I'm stressed and have forgotten about everything else, but why Sutherlands theory of Differential Association and why white-collar crimes are committed. So I am apologizing ahead of time for neglected posts.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So now that I have my heart set on join the Marine Corps all of the crazies are started to come out of the wood work. Like for example a few girls I dated in high school are now trying to talk to me again because they caught wind of the fact that I’ll be gone for at least four years. That’s sort of odd to me because these are the same girls that threatened me with every possible thing they could, and then said things like “I hope you die tomorrow “or “my brother is going to kill you”. Those lame threats always made me laugh but now I’m sort of worried these girls have not talked to me in two and a half years. So why now do they want to make up? Mind you they truly are crazy. Like sit in the bushes in front of your house and stab you crazy. I was at one point stalked by one girl so badly that she would drive past my house to see if my car was there, or if any other cars (like another girls) were there. If she didn’t see my car she would call all of my friends that she knew and interrogate them about my were-bouts. I know this doesn’t have too much to do with my blog, but it relates in the fact that, because I’m joining these nut cases won’t stop calling me.
this art work is Bjorn Hartfelt at http://randomstuff.bjuhn.com/stalker.png

Damn mice

So for anyone that doesn't know I have 2 lizards and 2 snakes. The 2 lizards are a Savannah monitor and a big ass iguana. The monitor eats 4-5 mice a week. The snakes are ball pythons and the smaller one is a 1.5 ft long and the other is 3ft long. The small snake eats one mouse a week and the big one eats a medium rat. So I breed mice to keep the cost of feeding them down, because 6 mice a week is $9 that's starts to add up quickly.

So I was woke up by the squeaks of mice. So when I looked to see if maybe one of the snakes got into the tank. I found them doing what they do, each other.