Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Before November

So while I was talking to the councilor on campus for my alcohol abuse problem, that is court ordered if you’re wondering. I was told two things one being that I have to raise my GPA to a 2.2 instead of the 2.0 that I previously thought. That took the wind out of my sails just a little bit. So now I have to get a high B in English and a high D in Sociology. Sociology is the problem because at this point I need; a 90% on a research paper and a 100% on the rest of my available points. The second thing I was told was that I should join as soon as possible because in November if a Democratic wins the election it will become harder to enlist because the war will end, and the men will not be needed. This information was told to my councilor by a Colonel in the Army. So I now have a deadline which works for me because I’m a procrastinator and will wait forever to do something. That something being actually following though with talking to my lawyer ($180 an hour), setting up how I’m going to get off probation, and paying a $7200 balance on my court fees.

If anyone else thinks they have it bad I honestly would love to hear from someone that is just a touch more miserable than I am. It might make me feel better. lol

1 comment:

Cap'n Fatback said...


Somehow I don't imagine that the military would be in the position of turning people away, no matter who wins in November.

I think the bigger challenge will be rewrites in the next week if you're gunning for that high "B." ;)

Incidentally, the first sentence is a fragment. Where's the picture and link?